As humans suffer from urinary tract infections, dogs also suffer from them. Bladder infection in a dog cause severe issues. They are as severe and painful in dogs as in humans. Our canine companions suffer from a lot of diseases including bladder infections.
What Leads To Bladder Infection In Dogs?
A urinary bladder infection in dogs can happen at any age in the life of dogs. These UTIs happen for many reasons. Here are some main reasons for urinary bladder infection[urinary tract infection]. some of the reasons are:
Sometimes bacteria causes infection in the urinary bladder of a dog. Studies have shown that almost 14% of dogs develop urinary bladder infection due to bacteria.
Crystals and stones:
Sometimes crystals present in the food of dogs start to accumulate in the urinary bladder of dog. these crystals cause infection in the bladder. In severe cases, these crystals turn into stones and due to stones infection is most likely to produce.
Underlying Health Conditions:
If your dog has any kind of disease such as cancer, tumor, Addison’s diseases or cushing disease, his immune system weakens. He can get UTI easily.
Some drugs given to dogs can cause a change in the pH level of their body fluids. A change in pH helps infection to spread faster.
Stress and Trauma:
If your dog is stressed he can get an infection easily. Sometimes any accident such as some wounds produces infection in the blood that enters the urinary tract and causes infection.
Symptoms Of Dog Bladder Infection
Symptoms of dog Bladder infection may be quite painful and uncomfortable for dogs. These infections weaken the immune system of the dogs. So if we detect the symptoms early we can save our beloved dogs from more problems. The following are the most common signs of urine bladder infections in male and female dogs:
- Straining to urinate
- Increased frequency of urination
- Blood in the urine
- Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
- Reduced quantity of urine
- Accidents inside your home
- Whimpering while urinating
- Licking the genital area
- Fever
- Increased thirst
- Lack of energy and laziness
If you notice any symptoms in your dogs, do not waste your time and take them to the veterinarian. Always remember that if you catch the disease at an early stage you can protect your dogs from severe problems and pains. Infections can be treated easily when they just start to spread.
Treatment Of Urinary Bladder Infection
Urinary bladder infections are treated in different ways depending on the reasons that caused the infection. A veterinarian doctor discovers the reason for the infection and treats it properly. These treatments include:
- Antibiotics
- Change in dietary routine
- Anti-inflammatory medicines and pain-relieving medicine
- Intravenous therapy
- Urinary acidifiers or alkalinizers solutions
- Increasing intake of water
Mostly urinary tract. infections are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are very good in treating infections because they are very effective. They contain chemicals that kill infection-causing agents.
Veterinarian gives anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing medicines to reduce discomfort and any pain.
Final Thoughts:
In conclusion, it’s crucial to recognize that bladder infections in dogs can be discomforting and painful. If you suspect any signs of infection, seek medical assistance immediately. Infection can be treated easily if taken care of. Be attentive to giving a healthy and peaceful life to your dog.